Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Precious, you stole my precious!!!

I'm not meaning to be disrespectful or anything... I swear!

In sacrament meeting today the speakers went on and on and on... and the talks were so boring!!
It was a husband and a wife and the talks were on pioneer heritage. The wife went first. She began with her family history starting in 1000 AD... no joke! She went on from there, for almost twenty minutes...
Again, no disrespect.

It was kinda funny, because this was the first time Grandma and Grandpa didn't fall asleep during the talks :) Bailey and I, however, were on the brink of sleep..

The one thing that did wake me up though, Bailey leaned over  toward the end to tell me that she hadn't been listening to the people the entire time... she was watching the kids 2 rows in front of us and... wait for it, wait for it... the middle girl reminded her of Smeegul!! I turned my attention to the kid and had to hold back my laughter.. This girl had been all over her older sister or cousin for the entire meeting, and one of her faces was an exact replica of Smeegul.. For the next half hour it was all I could do to not laugh out loud :D
Thanks a lot Bailey

After church we went over to visit our Smith side grandparents. That was fun, we had dinner, went through photo albums of our dad and his siblings growing up :) Later, Uncle Brad came over with Cami, and Uncle Rock came with his wife and 2 of his kids. It was good to see them all, especially since we haven't seen them for 4 years.

Lots of cowboy talk: Haying, calfing, breaking horses, roping... also lots of stories about my daddy-o :D
Hahaha, I had a good time.

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