Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dare to Dream

So I'm packing right? 
Oh yeah, well, I'm going to Canada for the week with my family...
anyways though. I'm packing, and eating dove chocolates... mmmm... and also texting my friend.
Yes, it's past midnight :)

So you know how the dove chocolates have those little messages on them? Here's mine.

Dare to dream
and I got 2 that were
Feel good about today...

Well, considering that since it's past midnight, today is... today :) Today is the day we drive 12 long hours. I guess that means we'll have a safe trip??

Now, dare to dream... I guess I could dream of the guy I will someday meet... or I could dream of the car my mom's going to buy for me when I finish high school (ahhh!! 10 months til I'm graduated and responsible!! Scary!) with  VL ... virgin lips :) 
That's right, my mom made me and Bailey this deal that when we graduate if we haven't kissed or been kissed then we can either 1- get a car of our choosing or 2- go anywhere in the world...

I'm pretty sure I'll have an easy time of getting through this upcoming year, my senior year! without being kissed.. I'm good with that though, no worries :)
I've decided on getting a car, it'll last longer
Bailey... well, let's just say she's out of the running :D

Oh, so a couple quotes that I just randomly and on impulse decided to share:

"I could be getting attention from a brick and they'd still be jealous"
"I love this necklace, it makes me feel like a dog"
--someone who'd eat me if I gave their name :D

Me: "My friends say I'm immature."
Mom: "Haha, well that's a good kind of immature, you want to have fun. Never lose that."

I just wanted that last one on record... :D

As I said before, we have a 12 hour drive ahead of us, in like, 8 hours. 
I'm going to bed...

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