Friday, July 8, 2011


Highlights of my last trip to my dad's:

*Getting yelled at by a hobo
Uh huh, that's right. We (Bre, me and Bailey) rolled down our window to toss some food to this dude sitting by the freeway exit by Wendover holding a sign that said HUNGRY.
We offered chips and pretzels...
He yelled at us
We offered pudding
He did however take a wad of cash from the car behind us...
On our way back to the freeway Bailey threw pudding to the guy. 
It landed by him, sounded like a gunshot, and made him jump.
Yeah, we were laughing the rest of the trip!!!!!

*Being chased by camel spiders

Need I say more???!!?!

*4-wheeling around the ranch
Dad, Brock, me and Bre went 4-wheeling just for fun.
Then it started to rain...
but it was still fun.

*Swimming in the crick at 8 mile
Moss, bugs, horseflies and all..
It was quite fun :D

and yes, I did say crick.
You see...

Me: "Crick is what country folks say, it's easier. You live in the city so you say creek."
Bre: "I don't live in the city, I live in a suburban area. So what do city people say?"
Me: "Umm... canal"
Haha!!! I love my quick thinking mind :D

*Picnic up Lamoille Canyon
Well, it started out as a nice family outing...

But ended up in a huge waterfight. It was pretty awesome.

Everybody was throwing water at everybody.
Then it escalated..
Muddy water was being thrown
then Dr. Pepper and Mountain Dew..
As I said before, pretty awesome.
And I started it :)

*Getting the Johnson's number
Now, THAT was funny!!
So, Bre was driving through the salt flats and she starts to pass this white truck. From behind we could tell that there were some guys in the back seat. Bre asks if any of them are cute, so I look over. As I'm looking, one of the guys waves!! We passed them and get in front just laughing. Then, a couple of minutes later they move over and start to pass us. Bre goes, "Oh no! They're passing us!" I look over as they get right next to us... 
and there's a paper held against the window... 
with a phone number!!!!!!

Not only was it cause of some interesting conversation, but it made me feel pretty good about myself. I mean, I never thought anything like that would happen to me... guess I was wrong :D

Thanks Johnson boys, you kinda made my day :)

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