Thursday, July 28, 2011

Stateside Once Again :)

Things I miss about Canada...
➜ Taeta
➜ Kawas and Shipley cousins
➜ Perfectly ripe raspberries
➜ Late mornings and lazy days
➜ Breakfasts and dinners Taeta made :)
➜ Poutine
➜ Canadian chocolate... it's the best I've ever tasted
➜ Shoe Lace Licorice, the strawberry kind
➜ The street signs, they're centered around the Cardston Temple and are simple... 1st St, 2nd St, etc...
➜ The tiny little downtown with all its awesome little shops
➜ Goofing off with my cousins
➜ Lunies and Tunies

My beef with Canada... eh!
➜ No Diet Coke with Lime... in the bottles. They only sold DCwL cans in the bigger stores..
➜ Too many mosquitoes
➜ They use kilometers, not miles
➜ It's WAY too cold, especially for summer
➜ Everything is too expensive
➜ Everything ends with eh! or hey!
➜ Even though the language is the same I feel like I'm speaking with an accent. My O's are weird now... I don't like it.

I wish I'd...
➜ Hung out with Hayden more... we used to be inseparable, now... it's kinda the opposite. I don't know why.
➜ Jumped off the bridge
➜ Been able to stay longer

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