Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Good and Funny

Walking toward the raspberry bushes for my after dinner snack, I jumped on the tramp and heard a bird.. under the tramp. It was hopping around, unable to fly out. I wanted to help it, so 

First, I tried to pull off a spring ... but I couldn't.
Next, I tried to get close enough to grab it through the springs... talk about a fail.
Lastly, I went into the house and asked Hayden for help... why? Because not only is he strong, but he's smart too :)

Hayden tried to pull a spring off... he couldn't.
Then, he said Taeta has a fancy spring hook thing, so we went looking for it in the shed. We didn't find it, but that's where his smarts came in... he made a little contraption to help get the springs off.
So. With this fancy do-hicky and his muscles, Hayden removed 2 springs. Both of us then slipped under the tramp, cornered the bird, grabbed him and let it go on the grass :D

I did have an idea of taking it to the house, grabbing my camera and documenting my good deed for the day.... but I figured Taeta wouldn't appreciate that, not to mention the starved, sun-deprived bird :)

Haha, it was quite fun,
especially just talking to Hayden.

Oh, so funny story.
My mom and I were shopping downtown, just spending time together.
We walked out of the dollar store and passed a mom and 2 of her kids. The little girls were so cute in home made, old fashioned dresses and bonnets... they were Hutterites, the Canadian version of amish.
Now, on to the funny part.
Mom was telling me about them. They grow all their food, and don't have anything electronic... you know, the classic amish type.. I think, I'm not exactly sure, so don't use me as a reference :D
Well, apparently they believe the world is flat.. I'm not kidding!! They teach it in their schools, and I'm going to take a guess and say they don't travel for fear of falling off the edge of the world :)

I wonder how big the world is? I mean, are all the continents still here or is it just Canada?? What about Magellan and all the other people who sailed around the world?? Hmmm...

I admit, I would be more hesitant to write this but... I doubt the Hutterites will mind :D

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