Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Canadian Adventures

I bailed on the all-nighter around 3 a.m. 
It was either sleep or have Bailey and Hannah do my hair...
I chose sleep :)

My first adventure was shopping in Lethbridge at the mall.
I bought a shirt... then later I lost it. So I bought another one since it was on sale..
Not good, but an adventure nonetheless.
Then we saw some family, that was fun :D

My other adventure was climbing the maple tree.
I haven't climbed that thing for years and I wanted to see if it'd be easier now that I'm older and taller... it wasn't.
If anything I had a harder time, but I'm going to blame the swing.. well, the swing that isn't there anymore. We used to have a swing tied to the lowest branch and we'd use that to get into the tree. It's gone, and even though I'm taller, I'm still short. In the end I had to get a chair... but besides that, it was hard because all the leaves are giant and they cover the branches, so it's hard to see where the next limb to climb onto is.. but besides that, I'm kinda scared of heights, well, not scared exactly, just more cautious... and that tree is huge!! 

See the tree to the right of the house?? Oh yeah, this is Taeta's backyard :D

The tree was big in the last picture right? Well, it just grew another 10 feet... I accidently cut off the top in the last pic :D


So you see the yellow rope running from the trunk of the tree to the right of the pic ↑? Where it connects with the tree is where the first branch is at... even if it's only a foot and a half long.

Ah, proof I was actually IN the tree :D
Where I cut the tree off before, I was just above that... as high as I could go.

Even that high up, I was swamped in giant leaves and dead twigs. Haha, Taeta actually saw me breaking branches off from the window :) Not to mention I was swaying in the breeze..

From that high up I could see the whole town!! The best pictures were the ones of the temple though :)

My adventures for the day.
Sure glad I have a camera so I can share the moment with you :D

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